Detection of Babolroud River Plume Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Image Case Study: Flood in 2018

Mohammad AKBARINASAB; Faezeh Abbasi; Nadia Talebpour

Volume 10, Issue 35 , August 2023, , Pages 15-1


  Floods play an important role in the flow of rivers, so their investigation and analysis are importance. Studying the dynamics of floods and the water discharged into the sea (plume) is very important in the fields of fisheries, sedimentation, transportation and environment. Babolrud-River originates ...  Read More

The Arvand River plume Detection by Using Numerical Modelling

Abbas Einali; Masoud Sadrinasab; Mohammad Akbarinasab

Volume 9, Issue 31 , August 2022, , Pages 174-159


  The river plume can be categorized into two general types surface-advected and bottom-trapped and also intermediate type. The river plume classification affects seawater's biological and non-biological characteristics in the river mouth. Given the importance of this issue, using numerical simulations, ...  Read More